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FMR3 is a novel gene associated withFRAXE CpG island and transcriptionally silent in FRAXE full mutations
  1. Jozef Gécz
  1. Department of Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics, Centre for Medical Genetics, Women's and Children's Hospital, 72 King William Road, North Adelaide, SA 5006, Australia; Department of Paediatrics, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia
  1. Dr Gécz, jgecz{at}


We have identified a novel gene,FMR3, originating from theFRAXE CpG island. TheFMR3 gene is transcribed from the opposite strand to the FMR2 gene. Analogous to the silencing of the FMR1 andFMR2 genes, FMR3transcription is extinguished by FRAXE full mutation. Although the role of FMR3 inFRAXE associated mild to borderline mental retardation is not yet clear, lack of expression ofFMR3 in FRAXEfull mutation males means that the FMR3 gene is potentially involved.

  • FMR2
  • FMR3
  • mental retardation

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