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Assessment of French patients with LPL deficiency for French Canadian mutations.
  1. L Foubert,
  2. J L De Gennes,
  3. J P Lagarde,
  4. E Ehrenborg,
  5. A Raisonnier,
  6. J P Girardet,
  7. M R Hayden,
  8. P Benlian
  1. Pitié Salpétrière Hospital, Paris, France.


    Mutations in the LPL gene show high levels of allelic heterogeneity between and within different populations. Complete LPL deficiency has a very high prevalence in French Canadians, where only three missense mutations account for > 97% of cases, most consistent with founder mutations introduced early in Quebec by French immigrants. In order to determine whether these mutations were present in France, 12 unrelated French families with defined LPL deficiency were investigated for the presence of the mutations found in French Canadians. Of the 24 expected alleles, six (25%) represented mutations in French Canadians (Gly188Glu four alleles, Asp250Asn and Pro207Leu one allele each). Comparison of French Canadian and French alleles identified the same haplotype in all carriers of the Gly188Glu and of the Asp250Asn, suggesting a common origin. In contrast, the Pro207Leu occurred on different haplotypes in France and Quebec, compatible with a different ancestral origin.

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