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Gorlin syndrome is an autosomal dominant multisystem disorder characterised by multiple basal cell naevi, cysts of the jaw, pits of the palms and soles, skeletal anomalies, and various other defects. Patients with Gorlin syndrome have a predisposition to basal cell carcinomas and other neoplasms. This is the first report to describe the coexistence of Gorlin syndrome and a nasal dermoid cyst. A 4 year old girl was diagnosed with medulloblastoma and treated with surgery and radiation therapy. A genetic evaluation was sought because of the brain tumour, multiple small naevi localised mostly on the upper torso, and rib abnormalities. Biopsies of several naevi showed naevoid basal cell carcinoma. Past medical history was significant for a midline nasal punctum noted at birth. The significance of this finding was unrecognised until the dermoid cyst enlarged, just before the diagnosis of her brain tumour. A common tissue of origin exists between basal cell naevi, cysts of the jaw, and dermoid cysts. We propose that the association of these two rare conditions in one patient is not a chance occurrence.