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A case of duplication of 13q32-->qter and deletion of 18p11.32-->pter with mild phenotype: Patau syndrome and duplications of 13q revisited.
  1. N Helali,
  2. A K Iafolla,
  3. S G Kahler,
  4. M B Qumsiyeh
  1. Department of Pediatrics, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710, USA.


    A mild clinical phenotype is described in a patient with duplication of 13q32-->qter and a small deletion of 18p11.32-->pter. The 8 year old white male presented with psychomotor retardation, tethered cord, soft, fleshy ears, and normal facial features except for thin lips. The karyotype was found to be 46, XY, der(18)t(13;18) (q32;p11.32) pat confirmed by fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH). A review of earlier studies showed that features of trisomy 13 are found in cases of duplication of bands 13q14 to qter. None of the cardinal features of trisomy 13 was seen in this patient. The absence of polydactyly, hernias, urogenital abnormalities, and haemangiomas contrast this condition with both trisomy 13 and duplication of 13q14-22-->qter. Possible explanations for lack of Patau syndrome in this patient could include restriction of the critical region for Patau syndrome to duplication 13q14-->13q32 with variable expression, gene interactions, or interchromosomal effects.

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