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A new transthyretin variant (Ser 24) associated with familial amyloid polyneuropathy.
  1. T Uemichi,
  2. M A Gertz,
  3. M D Benson
  1. Department of Medicine, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, USA.


    An American kindred with systemic amyloidosis presenting with carpal tunnel syndrome, peripheral neuropathy, and cardiomyopathy is reported. The transthyretin gene of a patient was analysed by direct DNA sequencing and both cytosine and thymine were present at the first base of codon 24. This new point mutation in exon 2 results in the amino acid substitution of serine for proline in the A-B loop of the transthyretin molecule. DNA testing for this mutant allele by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis based on the polymerase chain reaction is described.

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