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Dominant carpotarsal osteochondromatosis.
  1. P Maroteaux,
  2. M Le Merrer,
  3. H Bensahel,
  4. P Freisinger
  1. Clinique Maurice Lamy, Hôpital des Enfants-Malades, Paris, France.


    Dominant carpotarsal osteochondromatosis is a particular disorder of the wrist and tibiotalar joints with abnormal bone proliferation and osteochondromas. Two patients, a mother and son, are described here; a similar condition has previously been described in seven affected members of a family. The upper and the lower limbs are affected in the same patient and the lesion can be bilateral. Autosomal dominant inheritance is a further criterion allowing the diagnosis of dysplasia epiphysealis hemimelica.

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