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A terminal deletion (14)(q31.1) in a child with microcephaly, narrow palate, gingival hypertrophy, protuberant ears, and mild mental retardation.
  1. F S Yen,
  2. P E Podruch,
  3. B Weisskopf
  1. Department of Pediatrics, University of Louisville School of Medicine, Kentucky.


    A female child with a terminal deletion on the long arm of chromosome 14, 46,XX,del(14)(q31.1), presented with microcephaly, narrow palate, gingival hypertrophy, protuberant ears, and a small haemangioma on the back. She was mildly mentally retarded. Only a few patients with a partial deletion of 14q (14q-) have been reported without consistent clinical findings. Although a clinical syndrome associated with ring chromosome 14, r(14), has been established, no distinct pattern has been so far reported in 14q-.

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