Table of contents
August 1986 - Volume 23 - 4
Research Article
- DNA prediction in cystic fibrosis. (1 August, 1986)
- Cystic fibrosis carrier detection using a linked gene probe. (1 August, 1986)
- Genetic heterogeneity in Gaucher disease. (1 August, 1986)
- Differentiation of heterozygotes in recessive albinism. (1 August, 1986)
- The birth prevalence rates for the skeletal dysplasias. (1 August, 1986)
- Aetiological factors in hypospadias. (1 August, 1986)
- Autosomal dominant thoracolaryngopelvic dysplasia: Barnes syndrome. (1 August, 1986)
- Monozygotic twins concordant for congenital short femur. (1 August, 1986)
- Interstitial deletion of chromosome 4q diagnosed prenatally. (1 August, 1986)
- Partial trisomy 1q25----qter. (1 August, 1986)
- Secondary amenorrhoea and 47,XX,i(Xq) karyotype. (1 August, 1986)
- Necropsy findings in a child with FG syndrome. (1 August, 1986)
Conference Report
- Report on meeting on molecular studies of inherited cancer syndromes (1 August, 1986)
Book Reviews
- Genetic Biochemical Disorders (1 August, 1986)
- The Y Chromosome. Part A: Basic Characteristics of the Y Chromosome (1 August, 1986)
- Genetic and Metabolic Disease in Pediatrics (1 August, 1986)
- An Introduction to Recombinant DNA (1 August, 1986)
- Basic Cloning Techniques. A Manual of Experimental Procedures (1 August, 1986)
- Gene Expression During Normal and Malignant Differentiation (1 August, 1986)
- Genetic Engineering—Principles and Methods (1 August, 1986)
- Congenital Metabolic Diseases (1 August, 1986)
- An Introduction to Inherited Metabolic Diseases (1 August, 1986)
- Craniofacial Dysmorphology: Studies in Honor of Samuel Pruzansky (1 August, 1986)
- Atlas of Skeletal Dysplasias (1 August, 1986)