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Hirschsprung's disease associated with congenital heart malformation, broad big toes, and ulnar polydactyly in sibs: a case for fetoscopy.
  1. K M Laurence,
  2. R Prosser,
  3. I Rocker,
  4. J F Pearson,
  5. C Richard


    Successful fetoscopy using a 9 mm laparoscope was carried out on an 18-week pregnancy of a healthy woman who had had two previous male infants with bilateral double big toes, bilateral ulnar supernumerary digits associated with short segment Hirschsprung's disease, and ventricular septal defect of the heart, a syndrome apparently not previously described. The fetus was found to be normal, but an amniotic membrane defect was detected, which accounted for amniotic fluid leakage from 24 weeks up to delivery by caesaren section of a normal male infant at 35 weeks. The possible genetic basis and recurrence risk, put at probably one in four for this syndrome, is discussed. The indications for fetoscopy are set out and a fundal approach at laparotomy after placental localization is recommended for the procedure.

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