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Haemoglobin Hasharon in a north Italian community.
  1. R Alberti,
  2. G M Mariuzzi,
  3. M Marinucci,
  4. E Bruni,
  5. L Tenteri


    A survey of haemoglobin variants undertakin in an Italian community (Polesine) has revealed the presence of haemoglobin Hasharon (alpha2 47 Asp yields His beta2) in 108 subjects from 40 families. The variant accounted for 30 to 40% of the total haemoglobin. In subjects doubly heterozygous for Hb Hasharon and beta thalassaemia, the proportion was 17 to 19%. Though there was some evidence that the variant was unstable in vitro, there was no obvious haemoglobinopathy in vivo.

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