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An unusual chromosomal segregation in a family with a translocation between chromosomes 3 and 12
  1. Shanta Sachdeva*,
  2. George F. Smith*,
  3. Parvin Justice


    A family is reported in which two infants were born with different types of congenital abnormalities. Chromosome studies on one of the infants showed a partial trisomy of the short arms of a No. 3 chromosome. A family study showed many balanced translocation carriers who had extra chromosomal material on the long arms of a No. 12 chromosome.

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    • * Genetics and Human Development Section, Rush Medical School, 1753 West Congress Parkway, Chicago, Illinois 60612, USA.

    • University of Illinois, Abraham Lincoln School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, 840 S. Wood, Chicago, Illinois 60612, USA.