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Another human chimaera
  1. Diana A. Battey,
  2. G. W. G. Bird,
  3. A. McDermott,
  4. C. W. Mortimer,
  5. O. M. Mutchinick,
  6. June Wingham
  1. Regional Blood Transfusion Service, Birmingham, the Good Hope General Hospital, Sutton Coldfield, and the Department of Human Genetics, University of Birmingham


    Another human chimaera is described, which we are unable to classify because of limited family data. Evidence of chimaerism was confined to haemopoietic tissues. There were two red cell populations with differences in four blood group systems and, although the patient was female, chromosome analysis of cultured lymphocytes showed that 96% of cells had the male karyotype 46,XY. Possible mechanisms for the production of chimaeras are discussed.

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