CDH1 germline mutations and the hereditary diffuse gastric and lobular breast cancer syndrome: a multicentre study
Patrick R Benusiglio, David Malka, Etienne Rouleau, Antoine De Pauw, Bruno Buecher, Catherine Noguès, Emmanuelle Fourme, Chrystelle Colas, Florence Coulet, Mathilde Warcoin, Sophie Grandjouan, Alain Sezeur, Pierre Laurent-Puig, Diane Molière, Camille Tlemsani, Marina Di Maria, Veronique Byrde, Suzette Delaloge, Martine Blayau, Olivier Caron
Journal of Medical Genetics Jul 2013, 50 (7) 486-489; DOI: 10.1136/jmedgenet-2012-101472