Mapping the human Y chromosome by fingerprinting cosmid clones.

  1. K Taylor,
  2. N Hornigold,
  3. D Conway,
  4. D Williams,
  5. Z Ulinowski,
  6. M Agochiya,
  7. P Fattorini,
  8. P de Jong,
  9. P F Little, and
  10. J Wolfe
  1. Galton Laboratory, University College London, UK.


We have used Y-specific cosmid clones in a random fingerprinting approach to build contigs on the human Y chromosome. Clones derived from two libraries have been analyzed. The construction of one library is described here, the second was the Y chromosome-specific library LLOYNCO3 "M" (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory). To date, we have fingerprinted 4430 cosmids: 377 contigs have been constructed containing from 2 to 39 clones. Along with the singletons, we estimate that we have covered 72.5% of the euchomatic portion of the Y chromosome with fingerprinted clones. Sequence tagged sites are being used to anchor cosmids and contigs onto the YAC framework.


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