Table 2

Most significant independent loci in the genome-wide interaction analysis between tricyclic antidepressants and RR interval

SNPCHRMapped geneEthnicityEAFN studiesEffect alleleβintSEintpintphet
rs67372052BREEA0.94 4A56.39.77.66e−90.16
AADid not pass quality control
HSPDid not pass quality control
AA0.30 5A18.
HSP0.55 2A−
AADid not pass quality control
HSP0.41 2T4.513.50.740.12
  • Only independent genetic variants with a p value for interaction below 5e−7 are displayed.

  • AA, African-Americans; ABCA3, ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 3; BRE, brain and reproductive organ-expressed; CHR, chromosome; EA, Europeans; EAF, effective allele frequency; HSP, Hispanic/Latinos; N, number of studies included in the meta-analysis after quality control. phet, p value for heterogeneity between studies; pint, p value of the interaction; SEint, SE of the interaction; UBE2E2, ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2E 2.