Table 3

Adjusted predicted margins and multiple pairwise comparisons

Variant status of participantsSample sizeMargin (QTc)Delta-method
Unadjusted groupsBonferroni groups
(A) Men†
 Negative for all variants91426.42.6AA
(B) Women‡
 Negative for all variants169448.41.9AA
(C) Men and women combined‡
 Negative for all variants260441.21.5AA
  • Margins sharing a letter in the group label are not significantly different at the 5% level.

  • *Adjusted for six comparisons' should be preceded by only 1 symbol (as seen above for men)

  • †Adjusted for six comparisons.

  • ‡Adjusted for 28 comparisons.

  • QTc, corrected QT.