Table 1

Monogenic diseases overlapping with VACTERL association

SyndromeOMIMLocusGeneVertebral anomaliesOverlap malformationsCharacteristic features beyond VACTERL associationReference
Fanconi anaemia with VACTERL-H227650; 30051416q24; Xp22FANCA; FANCB,etc.*Same phenotype with VACTERL but lower frequencyV, A, C TE, R, LHaematological anomalies; pigmentary changes; hydrocephalusHolden et al13
Alagille syndrome11845020p12; 1p12-p11JAG1; NOTCH2Mostly butterfly vertebra, occasionally hemivertebrae, fusion of vertebraeV, C, RJaundice with conjugated hyperbilirubinemia; dysmorphic facies; posterior embryotoxon and retinal pigmentary changesTurnpenny and Ellard14
Basal cell nevus syndrome1094009q22; 1p32; 10q24-q25PTCH1; PTCH2; SUFUMultiple fusion of vertebral bodies and ribsV, LOdontogenic keratocysts of the jaw; palmar or plantar pits; bilamellar calcification of the falx cerebri; basal cell tumoursOostra and Maas;15 Pino et al16
Baller–Gerold syndromes2186008q24RECQL4Rib fusion and flat vertebraeV, A, C, R, LCraniosynostosis; microcephalyMurthy et al17
DiGeorge syndrome (22q11.2 deletion syndrome)18840022q11TBX1HemivertebraeV, C, R, LThymic abnormality;conotruncal cardiac anomaly; facial dysmorphism; hypocalcaemiaTsirikos et al;18 Maggadottir and Sullivan19
Feingold syndrome1642802p23-24N-MYCAbsence of the fifth sacral vertebra and fusion of C5–C7in a caseV, C, TE, R, LMicrocephaly; brachymesophalangyCelli et al20
McKusick–Kaufman syndrome23670020p12MKKSVertebral anomalies in one caseV, C, LHydrometrocolpos; gastrointestinal malformationsKnowles et al21
CHARGE syndrome2148008q12CHD7Idiopathic scoliosis without vertebral anomaliesC, TE, RColoboma; choanal atresia/stenosis;hypoplasia/aplasia of semicircular, etc.Hsu et al;22 Verloes23
Pallister–Hall syndrome1465107p14.1GLI3NAA, C, R, LHypothalamic hamartoma; bifid epiglottis; craniofacial abnormalitiesDemurger et al24
Townes–Brocks syndrome10748016q21.1SALL1NAA, C, R, LDysplastic ears with hearing impairment; intellectual disabilitySudo et al25
Holt–Oram syndrome14290012q24TBX5NAC, LNAGoldfarb and Wall201426
Hemifacial microsomia (OAVS)16421014q32NAHemivertebrae, fusion of vertebraeV, CCraniofacial anomalies; central nervous system defects: visual and hearing impairmentBeleza-Meireles et al27
TAR syndrome2740001q21RBM8ANANAC, R, LThrombocytopeniaTassanoet al28
  • *Numbers of genes been implicated in the pathogenesis associated with Fanconi anaemia.29

  • A, anal atresia; C, cardiac malformations; CHARGE, Coloboma, Heart anomaly, Atresia of choanae, Retardation of mental and somatic development, Genital hypoplasia, Ear abnormalities; L, limb abnormalities; NA, not available; OAVS, oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum; R, renal anomalies; TAR, thrombocytopenia-absent radius; TE, tracheo-oesophageal fistula; V, vertebral anomalies; VACTERL, vertebral anomalies (V), anal atresia (A), cardiac malformations (C), tracheo-oesophageal fistula (TE), renal dysplasia (R) and limb abnormalities (L); VACTERL-H, VACTERL association with hydrocephalus.