Table 3

Comparison of BRCA1 and BRCA2 studies among breast cancer cases for family history in Asian countries

CountriesNo. of patients, nBRCA1 mutation, n (%)BRCA2 mutation, n (%)BRCA1/BRCA2 mutations, n (%)Age of early onset, n (%)Family history of breast cancer and/or ovarian cancer, n (%)Triple negative, n (%)Bilateral breast cancer, n (%)References
Hong Kong5021 (42)29<35 years, 502513 (26)70
1305 (3.8)<45 years, 56 (43)71
45129 (6.4)40 (8.9)<40 years, 155 (34.4)193/318 (60.7)68/377 (18.0)72 (16.0)14
Korea2139127 (5.9)137 (6.4)52
84174 (8.8)89 (10.6)3 (0.4)69
 35417 (4.8)8 (2.3)<35 years; 152 (42.9)39 (11.0)72
605 (8.3)<35 years; 35 (58)8 (13)73
17315 (8.7)7 (4)<35 years; 74 (42.8)86 (49.7)66
75825 (3.3)40 (5.3)<40 years; 550 (72.6)67 (8.8)26
China1396 (4.3)<35 years; 4 (2.8)8 (5.8)25 (18)10
44820 (4.5)21 (4.7)<35 years; 22/253 (8.7)31/241 (12.9)78 (17.4)13
706 (8.6)2 (2.9)<35 years; 42 (60)5 (7.1)12
64554 (8.4)73 (11.3)123 (19.1)<45 years; 256 (39.7)28 (4.3)74
36052 (14.4)28 (7.8)76 (21.1)75
9618 (18.6)7 (7.3)<35 years; 26 (27.1)28 (29.1)96 (100)76
40916 (3.9)27 (6.6)<40 years; 78 (19.1)375 (91.7)96 (23.5)34 (8.3)11
Vietnam29224 (0.8)<40 years; 46 (15.8)7 (2.4)9
Malaysia441 (2.3)5 (11.4)<40 years; 24 (54.5)20 (45.5)28
43137 (8.6)28 (6.5)<35 years; 131 (30.4)236 (54.7)110 (25.5)39 (9.0)77
Singapore706 (8.6)<35 years; 22 (31.4)16 (22.9)35
437 (16.3)<30 years; 7 (16.3)7 (16.3)78
Singapore-Malay509 (18)<35 years; 11 (22)8 (16)54
496 (12.2)<40 years, 19 (38.8)79