Table 1

 Investigation of a male child with possible XLMR based on Shevell et al12

Obtain three generation pedigree and details of development of all
possibly affected individuals
Obtain a detailed clinical history of maternal health pre-pregnancy
Pregnancy history
Birth history and birth height, weight and head circumference
Developmental milestones and growth rates
Neonatal PKU and hypothyroidism
Educational history and IQ
Examination for dysmorphic features and neurological signs
Karyotype analysis (550 banded resolution)
Fragile X
Telomere screen
Brain MRI if abnormal neurological findings or head circumference
indicates microcephaly or macrocephaly
EEG to assist definition of epilepsy phenotype
Metabolic screen if clinically indicated. Consider urine and plasma
screen of creatine/creatinine ratio where indicated and possible.
Consider free T3 thyroid function tests if spastic paraplegin is present.