Table 1

 The clinical features of the families and cases studied

Series (No of cancers)Dominant inheritance>1 primary cancerEndometrial cancer presentMean age ⩽45 yearsYoungest age ⩽45 yearsR⩾LAny patient with ⩾5 adenomasNo of persons with colorectal cancerNo of persons with cancer other than colorectal or endometrial
For binary variables, the table shows numbers of families/patients with each clinical feature as proportion of total families/patients of that of that type (and percentages); for continuous variables, median and ranges are shown. See Methods for full explanation of variables.
R⩾L =  same or greater number of right sided than left sided colorectal cancers in that family; note that this variable cannot simply be equated to the proportion of cancers of each location in the total dataset.
We have already analysed clinical predictors of HNPCC in a larger sample set which included most of these families16 and have also reported most of the features of the MAP cases.9 Comparing the FCC and multiple adenoma cases/families showed only that the former were significantly more likely to have apparently dominant inheritance of disease (p<0.01, Fisher’s exact test), although we cannot exclude the possibility that this difference reflects the inclusion criteria for the study rather than true biological differences.
FCC, family cancer clinic; HNPCC, hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer; MAP, MYH associated polyposis.
HNPCC (43)34/43 (82%)20/42 (48%)18/42 (43%)20/42 (48%)29/42 (69%)27/40 (68%)3/42 (7%)2.5 (1 to 9)1 (0 to 6)
MAP (17)8/17 (47%)3/17 (18%)0/17 (0%)2/17 (12%)2/17 (12%)12/17 (71%)17/17 (100%)1 (0 to 3)0 (0 to 4)
Multiads (49)38/47 (81%)10/47 (21%)2/47 (4%)9/46 (20%)17/46 (37%)18/32 (56%)49/49 (100%)2 (1 to 6)0 (0 to 4)
FCC (150)81/137 (59%)18/117 (15%)11/116 (9%)37/119 (31%)66/117 (56%)57/101 (56%)0/150 (0%)2 (1 to 6)0.5 (0 to 6)