Table 1

 Allelic expression analysis for the human PPP1R9A isoforms

IsoformFetusG.W.*Mother’s genotypeEmbryonic tissuesExtra-embryonic tissue
BrainHeartIntestineLiverSpinal cordSkinEyeLimbTonguePlacenta
*Gestation week; The peak in SNaPshot assay was too small to measure.
For mother’s genotype, N indicates heterozygous, and G or A indicates homozygous for the SNP site used. Bi, G>A, and C or G indicate biallelic expression, preferential expression, and monoallelic expression, respectively (the samples showing preferential and monoallelic expression are highlighted in bold). The samples in which the expression ratio of one allele is greater than 70% are highlighted in bold. Sequencing electropherograms for the underlined sample are shown in fig 3A.
IUA-DG 50% G 18%
A 50% A 82%
IC-3511NG 45%G 32%
A 55%A 68%
IC-377NG 57% G 11%
A 43% A 89%
IC-588NG 31%
A 69%
IC-6212NG 38%G 41% G 100%
A 62%A 59% A 0%†
IC-7714GBi G>A G
IIUA-DG 47%G 61%
A 53%A 39%
IC-377GG 55%G 60%G 65% G 100% G 82%
A 45%A 40%A 35% A 0%† A 18%
IC-5611ABiG 40%G 39%G 37% G 26%
A 60%A 61%A 63% A 74%
IC-7714NBiBiBiBiBi G Bi