Table 5

Clinical findings in patients with mutations in the CRB1 gene

FamilyMutations in CRB1 geneAgeAge of onsetVisual fieldVisual acuityRefractionFundusERGOther symptoms
M-71747881insG52 y15 y<5°Light perceptionPale papillaExtinguishedHyperopia
Constricted arteriolesNystagmus
Salt and pepper pigmentation in mid periphery and in posterior pole, more abundant around the macula
M-69Cys948Tyr55 y1 yAbsolute scotomaAmaurosisDifficult to evaluate owing to opacitiesNystagmus
Cys948TyrDense cataracts
Corneal leukoma secondary to keratoconus
M-69Cys948Tyr48 y1 yAbsolute scotomaAmaurosisDifficult to evaluate owing to opacitiesNystagmus
Cys948TyrDense cataracts
Corneal leukoma secondary to keratoconus
M-69Cys948Tyr21 y3 y<5°0.1 RE+2+1.5 100° REBone spicule pigmentationExtinguishedNystagmus at 7 mth
Ile1100Thr0.2 LE+1.5+1 80° LEPale papilla
Constricted arterioles
M-641Cys948Tyr11 y4 mthCentral scotomae0.3 RE+7.00-2.5 30° REBone spicule pigmentation in peripheryExtinguishedStrabismus
749delSer0.1 LE+7.00-1.00 150°LEPale papilla
Constricted arterioles
PPRPE in temporal periphery
M-641Cys948Tyr8 y6 mthAnnular scotoma0.1 RE+2.5+2 93° REBone spicule pigmentation in peripheryExtinguishedCongenital nystagmus
749delSer0.2 LE+2+2 98° LEPale papilla
Peripheral sensitivityConstricted arterioles
PPRPE in temporal periphery
B-102Cys891Gly15 y4 y0.3 REBone spicule pigmentationExtinguishedHyperopia
Ile1100Thr0.2 LENormal macula
Pale papilla
Vascular constriction
B-15962delLeu54 y13 yRE: absolute scotoma0.3 RE-0.25-0.25 170° REFocal pigmentation in posterior poleExtinguishedCataracts
0.2 LE−0.25–1.25 101° LENormal papilla
LE: <5°Diffuse chorioretinal atrophy
M-489Ile205Thr37 yAt birthAbsolute scotomaLight perceptionBone spicule pigmentationExtinguishedNystagmus
Pale papillaKeratoconus
Narrow vesselsFranceschetti sign
M-489Ile205Thr35 yAt birthAbsolute scotomaLight perceptionBone spicule pigmentationExtinguishedNystagmus
Pale papillaFranceschetti sign
Narrow vessels