Table 1

Clinical features and P63 mutation screening of patients with EEC syndrome

PatientEctodermal features*HandsFeetClefting‡Other featuresNucleotide changesAmino acid changes
*H=sparse hair, La=lacrimal duct stenosis/atresia, N=nail hypoplasia, T=anodontia or hypodontia, Ni=hypoplastic/inverted nipples. †C=cleft, S=syndactyly, O=oligodactyly, M=monodactyly, T=toe hypoplasia. ‡L=lip, P=palate. §These features are probably attributable to an episode of meningitis that she experienced at the age of 10 months.
RGH, La, NiC, S, OTAnterior hair whorlG728TR204L
RBH, NiC, SL and PHearing lossG953AR279H
SHH, TC, OC, S, OLBlindness, seizures, MR§G1028CR304P
EDH, T, N, LaCT, SL and PG1028AR304Q
BHH, La, N, TCCL and PG1028AR304Q
JRH, NC, SC, SL and PC1027TR304W
SNH, NiO, SC, OAnterior hair whorl, hydrocephalusNone
LAH, La, TO, MO, ML and PMicrocephaly, microphthalmia colobomaNone
WJH, NiC, OC, OLMicrocephaly, microphthalmiaNone