Table 2

Mutations described in ENAM

Genomic DNA*cDNA†LocationProtein‡PhenotypeInheritanceReference
*Reference sequence for GenBank accession No AY167999; the A of the initiator ATG is taken as +1.
†Reference sequence for GenBank accession No AFa25373; the A of the initiator ATG is taken as +1.
‡Initiator methionine as the +1 position.
AD, autosomal dominant; AR, autosomal recessive.
g.2382A>Tc.157A>TExon 5p.K53XLocal hypoplasticADMardh16
g.6395G>AIVS8+1G>A; c.534+1G>AIntron 8p.A158_Q178Smooth hypoplasticADRajpar14
g.8344delGIVS9+1delG; c.588+1delGIntron 9p.N197fsX277Smooth hypoplasticADKida15; Hart5
g.13185_13186insAGc.1258_1259insAGExon 10p.P422fsX448HypoplasticARThis report