Table 3

Relationships contained in pedigrees

Original pedigreesIndependent pedigreesExtended pedigrees
Original pedigrees represent those employed in our initial whole genome study. Independent pedigrees are the ones newly recruited, who make up the majority of our current sample. Extended pedigrees represent the total sample size of this study, who include both the original pedigrees and independent pedigrees as well as an additional set of 128 subjects who are newly recruited but still belong to the original pedigrees.
Number of pedigrees532679
Number of genotyped subjects63010581816
Relative pairs
Half sibling231639
First cousin2589804610 916
First cousin, once removed160713 16515 163
Second cousin197117 76220 348
Second cousin, once removed1220 04520 111
Total10 54269 05681 311