Table 2

Summary of SOX10 mutations identified and phenotypes of affected patients

Sex SOX10 mutation Effect on protein sequence Affected colon phenotype Reference
Fnt168delGFrameshift→truncation before HMGShort segment HSCRThis study (patient 1)
MY83X (C→A at nt249)Truncation before HMG domainHypoganglionosis2-150 14(family 2)
NAnt482ins6Duplication of LR in HMG domainShort segment HSCR 14 (family 3)
NAE189X (G→T at nt565)Truncation after HMG domainShort segment HSCR 14(family 1)
MY207XTruncation after HMG domainShort segment HSCR 13 (family 140)
MS251X (C→A at nt752)Truncation after HMG domainTotal colonic aganglionosis 16 (family 3)
MY313X (C→A at nt939)Truncation after HMG domainShort segment HSCR 16(family 2)
MY313X (C→A at nt939)Truncation after HMG domainTotal colonic aganglionosis 16 (family 1)
Mnt1076delGAFrameshift→37aa added at 359NA 14(family 4)
MQ377XTruncation of C-terminal domainVariable diagnosis, ranging from hypoganglionosis to long segment HSCR 13 (family 192)
Fnt1400del12 (X467C)82aa added at stop codonLong segment HSCR 15
MX467K86aa added at stop codonTotal colonic aganglionosisThis study (patient 2)
  • NA: data not available from the reference.

  • 2-150 Hypoganglionosis was based on description cited in the reference.