Table 3

Knowledge, adjustment, and preparedness of probands to cope with future problems and decisions related to their genetic condition: comparison of probands from the centre operating a genetic register service (Manchester) with those from the other two genetic centres

ManchesterLiverpool/ Sheffieldp value
    Correct risk for self (n=191)65 (80%)83 (75%)0.43
    Correct risk for children (n=187)61 (77%)91 (84%)0.22
    Identified prenatal test (n=192)36 (44%)57 (52%)0.28
Lerman worry score:
    Mean (SE) (n=129)5.8 (0.44)6.7 (0.37)0.12
STAI state anxiety score:
    Mean (SW) (n=167)36.6 (1.42)39.7 (1.20)0.10
Would contact genetic centre under specified circumstances:
    Pregnancy (n=169)30 (40%)28 (30%)0.17
    Change in symptoms (n=145)17 (25%)15 (19%)0.12
    Information (n=192)63 (77%)69 (63%)0.04
    Emotional support (n=192)24 (29%)17 (15%)0.02
Feel adequately prepared to make reproductive decisions:
    All probands (n=192)75 (91%)98 (89%)0.59
    Those planning more children (n=40)16 (89%)21 (95%)0.92
    Those not planning more children (n=128)54 (96%)72 (100%)1.0
    Undecided about more children (n=24)5.0 (63%)5 (31%)0.15
Feel confident to cope with problems in any future pregnancy:
    Those planning more children (n=40)
    Undecided about more children (n=24)
Have discussed/feel adequately prepared to discuss condition with children (n=158)63 (95%)90 (98%)0.65