Table 1

Streptococcal and staphylococcal infection parameters in type I and II psoriasis and four psoriasis subtypes

Psoriasis type (No of patients/% of total)Subtypes (No of patients/% of total)HLA-Cw6/−B57/−B13 (No of patients/% of total)
Type IType IIIaIbIIaIIbPositiveNegative
*p=0.004 type I v type II. †p=0.04 type Ia v IIa. ‡p=0.002 type Ib v IIa. §p=0.006 type IIb v IIa (two tailed Fisher’s exact test each);.¶p=0.01 HLA positive v negative (chi-square test).
Total number of subjects8214313814135145
Streptococcus pyogenes
ASLO-/ADNAse-B titre >200 IU and/or nasopharyngeal swabbing positive32 (39%)0 (0%)*9 (29%)†17 (45%)‡0 (0%)6 (46%)§23 (45%)9 (20%)¶
Staphylococcus aureus
ASTA titre >2 IU and/or nasopharyngeal swabbing positive33 (40%)4 (29%)13 (42%)15 (39%)4 (29%)5 (38%)20 (39%)17 (38%)