Table 3

HFE genotypes for families 1 and 2 and affected patients from families 23, 24, 25, and 27

Family Subject Exon 4 C282Y Exon 2 H63D Exon 2 S65C Intron 2 4T→C Intron 4 116T→C
11 (father)−/−+/−−/−+/−−/−
12 (mother)−/−−/−+/−+/−+/−
14 (unaffected)−/−+/−+/−+/++/−
15 (affected)−/−−/−+/−+/−+/−
16 (unaffected)−/−−/−−/−−/−−/−
21 (father)−/−+/−−/−+/−−/−
22 (mother)−/−−/−−/−−/−−/−
23 (affected)−/−+/−−/−+/−−/−
24 (affected)−/−+/−−/−+/−−/−
233 (affected)−/−+/+−/−−/−−/−
234 (affected)−/−+/+−/−−/−−/−
244 (affected)−/−+/+−/−−/−−/−
254 (affected)−/−+/−−/−+/−−/−
273 (affected)−/−+/+−/−−/−−/−