Table 4

Clinical features of cases with tetrasomy 21 and tetrasomy 21 mosaicism

Case report Jabs et al11 Daumer-Haas
et al10
Nagarsheth and Mootabar18 Gutiérrez-Angulo
et al12
et al13
Our patient
Mother's age24 y32 y38 y33 y46 y34 y
Father's age36 y32 y52 y33 y
PregnancySpotting/coughNormalBleedingBleeding↓ weight gain
Gestation32 wkTerm38+ wk38 wk33 wk
Birth weight (g)20202940204036001420 (3rd)
Age4 d33 mth1 d29 mth11 y18 mth
Length89.5 cm (25th)90 cm (50th)NAD68 cm (<<3rd)
Weight12.0 kg (10th)10.9 kg (10th)NAD8.88 kg (<3rd)
Head circumference45.5 cm (<3rd)45.5 m (<3rd)NAD40.3 cm (<<3rd)
Motor developmentNormalUnable to walkUnable to sit
SpeechSingle wordsIQ=37Babble
Jackson score
Oblique eye fissures+++
Epicanthic folds+++
Brushfield spots++
Flat nasal bridge++++
Open mouth+++
Abnormal teeth+
Protruding tongue+++
Furrowed tongue
High arched palate
Narrow palate
Folded ear
Short neck+++
Loose skin of neck+++
Short and broad hands++
Short fifth finger++
Incurved fifth finger++
Transverse crease+
Gap between 1st/2nd toe+
Congenital heart defectPDA
Joint hyperflexibility++
Muscular hypotonia++++
Jackson score91077112