Table 1

Heritability estimates for myopia from family studies

Study Heritability Relationship Sample No Comments
Sorsbyet al 45 h2 = 0.45Parent-offspring28 familiesUK population
h2 = 0.49Midparent-offspring106 subjects
h2 = 0.72Sib-sib
Nakajimaet al 46 h2 = 0.16Parent-offspring162 pairs of subjects
h2= 0.42Parent-offspring35 pairs of subjectsSubset chosen as having been “measured more accurately”
Younget al 13 h2 = 0.10Parent-offspring197 subjectsEskimo population. Environment related shift in myopia prevalence with age. Only analysed a subset of population
h2 = 0.98Sib-sib
Young and Leary14 h2= 0.46Midparent-offspring1083 subjectsEskimo population. Environment related shift in myopia prevalence with age
Keller47 h2 = 0.37Parent-offspring289 pairs of subjectsUS population
Hegmann et al 48 h2 = 0.24Midparent-offspring163 familiesUS population. Randomly selected families
866 subjects
Alsbirk15 h2 = 0.14Parent-offspring483 subjectsEskimo population. Environment related shift in myopia prevalence with age
h2 = 0.04Midparent-offspring
h2= 0.50Sib-sib
Johnson et al 49 h2 = -0.03Parent-offspring76 familiesMixed Eskimo and white population. Environment related shift in myopia prevalence with age. Only analysed a subset of population
Ashton36 h2 = 0.49Midparent-offspring377 familiesSignificant shift in refraction with age
h2 = 0.74Sib-sib
  • h2 = heritability, US = United States, UK = United Kingdom.