Table 3

Intercorrelations (Pearson coefficients) of the predictor variables with the pre- and post-test psychological functioning

Sex of affected parent Participant's age at parental onset Subjective proximity of the onset Risk perception
Sex of affected parent
Partic's age at parent's onset−0.283-150
Subjective proximity−0.130.53***
Risk perception−0.19−0.08−0.16
Pre-Ego S−0.090.243-150 0.42*** −0.17
Pre-STAI0.03−0.253-150 −0.41*** 0.14
Pre-BDI0.16−0.283-150 −0.56*** 0.333-150
Post-Ego S− 0.143-152 −0.183-151 −0.213-152
Post-STAI0.09−0.06−0.233-151 −0.133-152 0.063-151 0.163-152
Post-BDI0.02−0.12−0.323-150 3-151 −0.183-152 0.113-151 0.363-150 3-152
  • 3-150 p<0.05. **p<0.01. ***p<0.001.

  • 3-151 Carriers.

  • 3-152 Non carriers.