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Familial translocation 15/22. A possible cause for abortions in female carriers
  1. K. Fried,
  2. J. Bukovsky,
  3. M. Rosenblatt,
  4. G. Mundel
  1. Departments of Genetics, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, and Paediatrics, Asaf Harofe Government Hospital, Tel-Aviv University Medical School, Zerifin, Israel


    A familial Robertsonian translocation 15/22 was ascertained through a female carrier whose four pregnancies ended in missed abortions. Eleven 15/22 translocation carriers were detected in three generations among 23 family members investigated. The four proven female carriers, apart from the proposita, have miscarried seven out of 14 pregnancies. The kindred suggests that the 15/22 translocation in female carriers may cause an increased risk for miscarriage.

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